Author Archives: gohollywoodgrooming

About gohollywoodgrooming

CAGE and MUZZLE FREE mobile pet grooming. Voted #1 in service and cleanliness by LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE. We have a fleet of 5 self-contained mobile pet spa vans for your convenience AND a full-service booking and PR office. We roll to your home or office and provide your precious pets with Red Carpet service!

Fall Inspired Pup Treat: Apple Crunch Pupcakes

Sweet. Dog. Life.

It’s hard to believe, but fall is right around the corner which means it’s almost time for football season (I’m in the south, that’s a big deal) and fall inspired treats for both hoomans and pups alike.

I came upon this recipe by Sarah @ Miss CandiQuick (original post here) and it’s the perfect fall inspired treat to pass along to your pups.  I personally am a huge fan of homemade dog treat recipes because you know exactly what is going in them and they are normally healthier than picking up pre-packaged treats at the grocery store.  In my experience, they are also much more gentler on the puppy tummy 🙂

The only tweaks I would personally make to  the recipe are as follows:

– Use dog bone shaped pan to bake treats in.  It gives it that extra pop of cuteness if you plan on giving these away as gifts. You…

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Dog Parks and Your DogDSC_0045

With dog parks cropping up everywhere, it can be tempting to pop into one and let your dog run around and make new friends. However, keep in mind that many dog parks may require a membership and keycard to get inside, so it may require some planning. Some even require a “welcome session” where the rules are spelled out and dog parents sign paperwork.

Even if your local pup run is “all access”, there are a few rules to follow to make sure that everyone stays safe and has fun.

Dog Park Etiquette

  • Make sure your pet is up to date on his/her vaccines and rabies shots.
  • Keep your pet on-leash until you get to the off leash area. It’s safer than letting your dog bound out of your car without any restriction. You don’t want him running in the wrong direction.
  • Don’t drop your dog off while you run errands. If your dog were to get hurt or to hurt someone else’s pet, you’d want to be there.
  • Pay attention to your dog. While it’s fun to chat with other dog parents, it’s important to watch your dog’s behavior and make sure they’re playing nicely. If they’re being aggressive, take them home.
  • Pick up after your pet. Most dog parks have pooper scoopers and bags for this purpose with a trash can. No one wants to step in doggie droppings.

What if someone doesn’t pick up after their charge? You can politely point out the tools available for this purpose.

  • Make sure you close all doors and gates when entering or leaving the dog park. Double check that they’re latched. You don’t want to be responsible for any escapees.
  • Don’t bring a picnic. If you’re eating a sandwich and someone’s overeager lab snatches it right out of your lap, you’ll be very disappointed – and hungry.

Dog parks can be a lot of fun for both humans and dogs. Being mindful of the others will keep it an enjoyable experience for all.


Hollywood Grooming-LE CHEW



Brushing your dog is an act of love. 

It feels good and strengthens the bond between the two of you.  Soon your pampered pet will be BRINGING YOU the brush and begging to be primped


How do you get them to enjoy being brushed?

Ideally, you should start with puppies (12+ weeks) and present it as a “game”.  However, it is NEVER too late to start your Brush Bonding and it will help your precious pets professional grooming experience and overall quality of life. 


Use techniques as singing, touching, talking to your pet to comfort them and make the experience as memorable and positive as possible.  Your pet learns by watching and listening to you, so be an example and let them watch while you brush your hair (with your own brush that is!)

Let them smell the brush and work it into a playful game so they look forward to playing it again.

What Do I Need To Brush Bond At Home?

You will need a pin brush, a steel comb and a slicker brush (See above.) 

Brush with the pin brush from nose to tail. If you find a little mat, comb through it…gently. Use the slicker brush to brush through tougher mats. If you make this brushing a routine, you simply will not get matted fur (thus avoiding shaving).

The benefits of brushing are healthier, shinier fur, increased circulation, distribution of  oils to skin and fur.  Brushing also allows you to examine your pets fur and skin for any irregularities, bugs or skin problems before they become serious issues.

Brush your way to a closer bond with your pet AND a healthier coat and fur.


Curiosidades que Voce não sabia sobre seu cão #DogFacts

Happy Monday. Cuteness alert!

Chateau do Vinnie



1. Arrumou um labrador? Está achando supermaneiro? Você não está sozinho — labrador é a raça mais popular no mundo.
2. Cachorros não ficam simplesmente lambendo água — eles formam copinhos de água com a parte de baixo das suas línguas.
3. O mais antigo ancestral do seu cão é o Miacis, uma pequena criatura semelhante à doninha que viveu há 40 milhões de anos. Os cães compartilham este ancestral com lobos, guaxinins e ursos.
4. Se o seu cão está inquieto, pode ser que uma tempestade esteja se aproximando. Os cães podem ouvir, cheirar e sentir uma mudança no tempo, muito antes de nós.
5. Filhotinhos nascem cegos, surdos e sem dentes.
6. O primeiro sentido que os filhotes desenvolvem é o tato.
7. Mas! Eles não são muito chegados em abraços. No mundo canino, colocar uma pata…

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My Canine Alter Ego

You reflect my very soul, for you are my soul

Animal Logic

You are the most precious thing in my life.

The one who gives unconditionally,

Asking no questions and telling no lies.

You reflect my very soul, for you are my soul,


And sometimes I find the viewing hard.

But I know the reality,

The truth with no beginning and no end.

You stand for all that is good


In Universe and beyond.

With you I harbour no doubts,

For you utter no untruths.

You teach me, and protect me from myself.

C1 Roma1

You are the most precious thing in my life.

I honour and salute you.

My canine counterpart.

C4 Saxon

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